01666 511394
Brinkworth House, Brinkworth, Wiltshire, SN15 5DF, UK


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Solomax Cooling and Warming Therapy Systems

Introducing a new pain management system that builds on a tried and tested therapy. 

The Solomax Warming and Cooling unit is a lightweight portable unit that is simple to operate, the unit can provide localised heat or cold to all areas of the body, temperatures can easily be controlled and are within therapeutic ranges for both warming and cooling therapy. The unit maintains a consistent temperature for a user operated determined time, the heat or cold is administered via single use TP –pads which are anatomically shaped to suit all types of the body.

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Kaiser Medical Technology Limited
Brinkworth House Business Centre
SN15 5DF

t: 01666 511394
e: office@kaisermedicaltech.com
w: www.kaisermedicaltech.com